
Side Street Silent Auction

-- All handcrafted and made in the USA --

Antique Marketplace

Acrylic painting on Masonite by Julia H. Mann. Painting measures 16" x 12"

Retail Price



Opening Bid



Current Bid


Bid Start Date:
September 12, 2020 12:00 PM
Bid Expiration Date:
September 30, 2020 5:00 PM

Auction Rules: All bids must be made in $15 increments over the opening bid. Bids must be submitted before the expiration date and time. We will contact you to verify each bid before updating the current bid amount. The winner of the final bid will be contacted via email or phone, after the auction time expires, to make arrangements for delivery and payment. Maryland in-state 6% sales tax will apply. Refresh your browser to keep track of the current bid.

Our donation: 10% of the final bid will go to SPAN, a food pantry and emergency financial assistance agency that helps families in need.

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